
Wetenschappelijke publicaties:

  1. De Bree, E., Lammertink, I., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Rispens, J. (2022). Word-level spelling of children with dyslexia and developmental language disorder [Special issue ter ere van het emeritaat van professor Steven Gillis]. Stem-, Spraak- en taalpathologie. 27 (november 2022).        
  2. Lammertink, I., Hermans, D., Stevens, A., van Bakel, H., Knoors, H., Vissers., C. & Dirks, E. (2022). Joint attention in the context of hearing loss: a meta-analysis. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf education. 27(1).
  3. Lammertink, I. (2020). Detecting patterns: Relating statistical learning to language proficiency in children with and without developmental language disorder. Doctoral Dissertation University of Amsterdam. LOT Publications: 567.
  4. Lammertink, I., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., and Rispens, J. (2020). Statistical learning in the visuomotor domain and its relation to grammar in children with and without DLD: a meta-analysis. Language Learning and Development, 16(4).
  5. Lammertink, I., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., and Rispens, J. (2020). Visual statistical learning in children with and without DLD and its relation to literacy in children with DLD. Reading and Writing. 33(6), 1557-1589.
  6. Lammertink, I., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., and Rispens, J. (2020). Children with Developmental Language Disorder have an auditory statistical learning deficit: evidence from an online measure. Language Learning, 70(1).
  7. Van Witteloostuijn, M., Lammertink, I., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., and Rispens, J. (2019). Assessing visual statistical learning in early-school-aged children: the usefulness of an online reaction time measure. Frontiers in Psychology.
  8. Lammertink, I., van Witteloostuijn, M., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., and Rispens, J. (2018). Auditory statistical learning in children: Novel Insights from an Online Measure. Applied Psycholinguistics.
  9. Lum, J., Lammertink,, Clark, G., Fuelscher, I., Hyde, C., Enticott, P., & Ullman, M. (2018). Visuo-spatial sequence learning on the serial reaction time task modulates the P1 Event Related Potential (ERP). Psychophysiology.
  10. Fort, M*., Lammertink, I*., Peperkamp, S., Fikkert, P., Guevara-Rukoz, A., and Tsuji, S. (2018) Symbuki: A meta-analysis of the sound symbolic bouba-kiki effect in infants and toddlers. Developmental Science. * Shared first authorship.
  11. Lammertink, I., Boersma, P., Wijnen, F., and Rispens, J. (2017). Statistical learning in Specific Language Impairment: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
  12. Fikkert, P., and Lammertink, I. (2016). Speech perception in children with a cleft-palate. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Child Language Development. Boston MA, USA.
  13. Lammertink, I., Casillas, M., Benders, T., Post, B., & P. Fikkert (2015). Dutch and English toddlers’ use of linguistic cues in predicting upcoming turn transitions. Frontiers in Psychology 6:495.

 Professionale publicaties:

  1. Lammertink, I. (2022). Wanneer taal niet vanzelfsprekend is. Bestuur Beleid Management en Pedagogiek in het kindcentrum. Juli/Augustus.
  2. Lammertink, I. (2020). Het ontdekken van patronen: relatie tussen statistisch leren en taalvaardigheid. Van Horen-zeggen Online
  3. Lammertink, I and Rispens, J. (2018) Statistisch leren bij kinderen met TOS. Van Horen-zeggen Online
  4. Lammertink, I., Casillas, M., and Benders, T. (2016). Turn-taking bij jonge kinderen: Zinsbouw, zinsmelodie en turn-taking bij jonge kinderen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Logopedie, jaargang 88, nummer 1-2.
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